

Serving marketing/sales focused founders who want to increase their capacity and multiply their time, money, and energy.

  • Unlock What's Blocking You

    Self imposed limitations will keep you stuck and blocked.

    You can stay bound to your current schedule to make incremental improvements but never huge leaps forward.

    FOMO on who you could become as a leader in your field.

    Discontentment rises and dissatisfaction becomes "business as usual."

Hey, I’m cassie.


I understand there's a wall you're hitting where you feel tapped out on time, money, and energy to build the next phase of the business.

You see how you want to grow and make a 10x leap forward, but you're maxed out on your capacity.

I've helped founders go from $30M to $40M in one year or $50k to $555k in one year -- I specialize in making 10x leaps both tactical and practical to unlock exponential capacity for you to power up your time, money and energy to fuel your big dream.



    Expand your definition of what’s possible.
    Set your future self goal, and we'll make a tactical plan to get you there.

  • think bigger

    Recharging your energy batteries = dreaming bigger + more presence today. Audit out the drains on your dreams, and any drama with your team (or lack of who’s to help).

  • be more. do more.

    Time for better business results. You’ll unlock capacity for your time, money, and energy for you to make the impact & income you desire.

unlock your capacity

Here’s what we’ll do to get you going in the direction of your dreams:

  1. Diagnose the dream drain and where you are over-extended in your capacity.

  2. Set the compass to your future self identity and create a decision making matrix to get you on track.

  3. Unlock exponential capacity with your time, money, and energy by doing less and focusing only on outsized leverage jumps.

I just hired Cassie Shea to effectively play the role of Innovation Manager in my business movie... She has the ability to hear what the vision/goals are and then auto-magically (my new favorite word) distill foundations, systems, and processes... empower me to prioritize projects, identify key "who's" with clearly defined roles for the Needs of the business, then check-ins to keep me dialed in to my committed vision and the benefit its reality yields for my highest purpose.

— andrew, family cfo

I hired Cassie and it was awesome! I hired her to help elevate my mindset and she did that and much more! Cassie is a great partner to have because she is very wise, genuinely cares about you and your growth, plus she over delivers! I hired Cassie for mindset, but she helped with creating marketing copy, business strategy, operation improvements and more. If you are considering hiring Cassie, do it! You will be better for it.

— cory, men’s leadership coach

When I met you I couldn't prioritize. I wanted to continue growing my business past 6-figures yet was leaking energy and focus in every direction. Working with you, I discovered not just different ways to measure my "productivity" such as working a 4-day work week or time spent in my Zone of Genius, but also picked up a handful of tools I use to this day to simplify and plan my business. Fast forward to today, I have ONE killer offer working with 2 new clients, and am starting ONE marketing campaign to get more. Life and work are incredibly streamlined. I'm even about to take 2 weeks off to travel around the east coast with my girlfriend.

— Zack, email marketer